Art Campus

Berlin, Competition, 3rd prize, 2011
Site Model

Site Model

Since Josef Paul Kleihues’s renovation of the former “Hamburger Bahnhof” into the “Museum für Gegenwart” of the SMPK, the site has undergone a transformation process from a place of infrastructure to one of artistic interpretation. In between the extension of the station building and its former warehouses, along the “kleiner Spandauer Schifffahrtskanal”, the new construction creates an entry sequence for the two depots as well as for the F. C . Flick Foundation Art Campus in between, which has been located at “Hamburger Bahnhof” since 2004.

Figure Ground Plan

Figure Ground Plan

In accordance with its self-image as a “gallery,” the interior of the new building embodies the abstract concepts of exhibition, interpretation, and communication through a sculptural, room-sweeping gesture, in the center of which two different staircases stand. While the fire stair is completely enclosed and highly organized, a grand staircase unfolds freely around it in space.
The ground-floor main entrance, facing Invaliden Street, is marked by a delicate indentation in the volume of the gallery building.

Floor Plans

Floor Plans

Art Campus

Restricted Competition
3rd prize

Invalidenstrasse 50
10557 Berlin

Ernst Basler + Partner AG, Zürich in collaboration with Bezirk Mitte von Berlin and Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Berlin
Piet Eckert, Wim Eckert with Derk Thjis and Enrique Orti Lopez